Warrior Spotlight: The Road to Strong with Cat

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Cat joined One Academy over five years ago seeking direction in her workouts, but she found much more—a welcoming and supportive community that helped her build confidence and strength. From mastering heavy sleds to achieving impressive personal bests in the big lifts, Cat's inspiring journey showcases the transformative power of fitness and community at OA.

Check out our Q&A to see what’s on the go and up next for our Warrior, Cat!

What drew you to One Academy? 

My workouts didn’t have much focus, I wasn’t getting anywhere and needed a change. I live around the corner from OA and was curious, then a good friend said she had heard great things, so I tried a Rise Up class and haven’t looked back!

What elements of the classes and community keep you coming back? 

When I first joined, I felt very self conscious - everyone was so fit and lean compared to me, but the front desk staff and coaches were all so kind and welcoming which put me at ease. I have now made a wonderful group of friends here at OA, so the amazing esprit de corps here definitely keeps me coming back!

What long or short term goals are you working towards?

I drank the Kool Aid and signed up for a mixed doubles at Miami Hyrox in April. I’m no runner but I’ll give it my best shot!

What development are you most proud of achieving since starting at OA?

I am so proud of how strong I am! I push my body in ways I never had, and have learned to appreciate its sheer power after a lifetime of hating most of my body. Some days I still do, but then I think about what it’s capable of and I’m so proud of what this old girl can do! And I hope to change, in my small way, people’s perception of bigger people when it comes to fitness.

Between classes and training in the open gym, we see you lifting heavy all the time... What are your PRs, and are you working to top them? 

Oh man, I haven’t tested my one rep maxes in over a year and a half, but last time I tested, deadlift was 385 lbs, squat 255 and bench 170. I suspect they’d all be more if I tested them now, especially squat. Hmmm I really should test them and I see where I stand these days! 

Which classes do you feel help maintain and/or progress your big lifts? 

Oddly, Threshold! You’d think it would be a lifting class, but elements of Threshold are vital for big lifts, you need endurance to lift heavy. And any class with heavy sleds. They’ve made my legs crazy strong. I loooove a heavy sled, anything with brute force, and I’m all over it! 

How do you feel your training will evolve over through 2025?

I’m trying to embrace accessory work more in class. My ego doesn’t like the little weights, but I know those small muscles and movements are really important…and I guess I should start running for HYROX prep.

What advice would you pass on to anyone new to OA?

Try not to be intimidated when you walk in. You’re as capable as anyone in that pit. And if your body doesn’t look like theirs, so what? You belong at OA as much as anybody else, and you’re going to have the best time!


Group training at One Academy is programmed for all levels and designed to make you stronger with the support of expert coaches and your fellow Warriors. Jump into training with our Two-Week Trial at either OA Etobicoke or OA Leslieville - experience the community and motivation that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

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