Warrior Spotlight: You can do hard things, with Jen and Coach Chelsie

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Jen came to One Academy Etobicoke with a straightforward but powerful plan: strengthen EVERYTHING. This Warrior had the drive; and with a race registration complete and a growing list of goals, all Jen had to do was see for herself that she can do hard things.

Jen has made epic strides towards her life goals and race goals, and has been crushing her classes and one-on-one sessions with Coach Chelsie. Check out our Q&A to see what’s on the go and up next for our Warrior, Jen!


How long have you been training at OA?

I've been training at OA Etobicoke since day one! After hearing such amazing things from my friends and colleagues who go to OA Leslieville, the culture and community was exactly what I was craving in my day-to-day life. My actual experience couldn't be more in tune with this. 

What did your routine look like before starting group and personal training?

My routine (or lack thereof) was a mess. I was running consistently, but had hit a frustrating foot injury that completely threw me off both mentally and physically. Not having any support to modify my exercise routine really just had me throwing in the towel and lost on what to do next.

What are you training for?

I heard rumblings about HYROX and a few friends and I decided we would make this a massive goal for us. But, I knew I couldn't prepare alone. I started training for HYROX Toronto with Coach Chelsie back in mid-January, and she has taken my training (and sweating) to another level. 

My goals are 1) to finish without injury and 2) to focus on my own race and not what's happening around me. I'm inherently competitive, but I'm also very body aware; I can't wait to see what my mind and body are capable of on race day!

What other short or long term goals are you working towards?

I'm extremely injury prone with old injuries flaring up and new injuries popping up. Short term, I need to get this body moving consistently; and long term, I just want to recognize myself again. My body and mind took a beating during COVID and I want to get back to being my absolute best self with the energy to take on each day!

Since the start of your training, what changes have you noticed?

Oh boy – the rollercoaster of starting to workout after lacking movement for so long! The emotions are real and raw. I'm constantly comparing myself to when I was at my fittest while constantly reminding myself that I'm moving, and as Chelsie and I always say: I CAN DO HARD THINGS! A sneaky Chelsie put extra weight on the sled recently… and guess what? I did it! The confidence that session gave me was insane and I know that I can keep pushing all of the barriers that I've set for myself. 

Which development are you most proud of?

Committing. Do I cancel classes and sessions sometimes? Of course. But, my goal is to be more consistent than not. I have a long way to go, but showing up is sometimes the hardest part for me, and the community at OA Etobicoke has made it so much easier to accomplish this.

How do you feel the classes and personal training sessions compliment one another to help you reach your goals?

Chelsie and I have set a goal of being at the gym four times a week with two training sessions and two classes. My personal training sessions are pretty hyper focused on preparing me for HYROX, both in small simulation formats and strength training to support the movements. The group classes are actually a fun way to implement the movements I've learned in a faster paced environment. They're also teaching me the crucial mental side of "focus on yourself and not what others are doing."

You've joined us for some wellness services: how have FST and Dietitian services contributed to your fitness routine?

A dizzy spell due to overhead movement with a nagging shoulder injury was the catalyst to have Nick on deck for some shoulder work on the Wellness side. Through cupping, massage and movement, the impingement that I was experiencing has improved dramatically and next up, is dealing with a foot injury. It never ends! Having Nick and Chelsie coaching classes is also so invaluable as they know my limitations and can immediately modify exercises for me. The holistic approach is so necessary for me and has been a game changer. With nutrition, I met with Sarah to deal with both weight and how to fuel my workouts. What I learned: protein, protein, and more protein!

How do you feel your training will evolve over the rest of 2024?

I'm heading into the last year of my 30s… yikes. I have set a goal of "40 before 40" so my goal is to drop 40 pounds to help ease my joint pain, inflammation and arthritis and to be able to move better again. I'm getting stronger and so much more confident in my abilities with each class and each session and for the first time, I think that I can actually accomplish my goal. It makes me emotional just thinking about the possibilities ahead of me. How amazing is that?!


We love hearing about our Warriors’ journeys, and thank you to Jen for sharing so much of her experience. If you’re looking to transform your training and crush some big goals, our talented lineup of coaches at OA Etobicoke and OA Leslieville are ready to set you up for success.

Do you have an amazing journey to share with us? Reach out to info@oneacademylife.com and tell us all about it! 

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